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Medicade pays for bariatric weight loss surgery in michigan - medicade pays for bariatric weight loss surgery in michigan

31-01-2017 à 17:07:58
Medicade pays for bariatric weight loss surgery in michigan
A letter from your primary care physician stating that weight loss surgery is medically necessary. Significant psychological disorders that would be worsened or interfere with the post-operative management of the patient. Bariatric surgery is not considered beneficial if the primary purpose is weight loss for its own sake, for cosmetic reasons, to correct psychological problems with poor body image, or simply because the patient prefers surgery to other traditional forms of weight loss. Over the age of 13 for a female and 15 for a male. In order for Medicaid to cover the cost of your surgery and the associated surgeon visits, you must meet the requirements below. Inflammatory bowel disease, chronic pancreatitis, cirrhosis, portal hypertension, abnormalities of the gastrointestinal tract, or endocrine causes of obesity. In Am I Covered by OC Staff October 19, 2013. Pre-authorization documentation used to determine eligibility for bariatric surgery must cover all of the following. Age limits on bariatric surgery for adolescents extend to female patients who are 13 years old or older and are menstruating, and for male patients who are 15 years old or older. Pregnancy, or plans to become pregnant within 18 months. Documentation showing that the patient tried to manage their comorbidities with standard treatment but they were not successful.

Co-morbidities include sleep apnea, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes. These conditions must be so severe that the benefits of eventual weight loss clearly outweigh the risks associated with bariatric surgery. No significant contraindications that would suggest bariatric surgery would endanger the health of the patient. Body Mass Index must be over 35 with at least one comorbidity. Bariatric surgery may be prior authorized when the patient meets all of the following criteria. The patient must understand they will be required to change their diet and lifestyle after surgery. If you are under 21, you must have a Body Mass Index (BMI) over 40 with at least one comorbidity. The patient, no matter what age, has at least one major comorbid condition, such as. The patient must complete and show documentation that he or she participated in a medically supervised weight loss program for 6 months and it happened within the last 12 months prior to surgery. Documentation provided for prior authorization must attest that none of the following additional contraindications exist. The patient is a female at least 13 years of age and menstruating, or a male at least 15 years of age.

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Medicade pays for bariatric weight loss surgery in michigan

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